jueves, 3 de mayo de 2007


I it geschaaaafft. I have my booklet (esstagebuch) again begun to actually lead and my list and at all everything. hangs thereby perhaps together that I my diary of the last summer from the hiding place recently gekramt and everything again read. I cannot say now that it developed me particularly, because I had a something - öh - turbulent summer (at least partly). but I imagined, one somehow must begin somewhere. I hope I stop it this times longer through than only one week.
for the moment am I however only in a good mood because…. well, why probably? because my weight sank again. owing to drastic measures. but it feels so well. my mood is fantastisch. I look forward to the work and at all on everything. are a small little tired, but to it I am already used. I do not believe I white never like it is at all to be been so tired: O)
now, whether now this entry is positive or negative, can one believe I to see different. I seh it 90/10 to favour of the positive side.
I have with a well-known telephones meant, I rely possibly too much on it that in the autumn (if I again into a hospital go) everything automatically regulates itself. but is not correct. I white that I made last year some errors and I know also like the hare run. I already precautions took. I become no night in my new dwelling stay overnight so long the tablets still in the use are. no, I do not want that. and that should be for me a stimulus. a part reason failed why I was also because of it that I means plans in the last autumn not convert could not and then sometime did not give + some other events up it necessarily to have made easier. but as already times said, rausreden and away-pushed one knows the causes always.
esstagebuch lead… that want I as I originally began this blog to write. and now it is again times so far. I do not lead it on-line - to which also: O) however nevertheless. can over progressed report.

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